July 16, 2007

Latest SewHisWord Art Quilt!

Posted in Christian Books, Christian gifts, Christian Music, Daily Devotional, Fiber Art, God, Jesus, Positive thinking at 1:41 am by sewhisword

Cooper’s Beach in Southampton, Long Island is extremely popular, especially in the summer. It is the beach where I was first inspired to knit. Back in 1983, a perfect summer day; the ocean looked like aluminum foil. Sitting next to me on their beach blanket were two young sisters with braided hair, both babbling endlessly while clicking their knitting needles. It was one of those moments when I wished that I could knit. It was a nice memory to be treasured. Did knitting resemble the ocean waves? Did I know back then that knitting would help me to quit smoking? Quit and Knit? I didn’t realize at the time that I would become a knitter and fiber artist later in life and quit smoking as well. coopers-beach.jpg
It’s interesting how God quides us toward certain things and it’s up to us to notice them, be obedient, and apply them to our lives. You don’t have to use paint to make an impressionistic painting. The following small art quilt was inspired from Cooper’s Beach, which is also owned by Anderson Cooper’s family – a fun tidbit of information. The quilt was made from different fibers, fabric, beads, and yarns. It also has a sewn scripture.

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